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10 Reasons for Breakfast in the Classroom

10. No Child Should Start the Day Hungry – Students who skip breakfast have slower memory, make more mistakes, and are more likely to repeat a grade. Find out more.

9. Growing Brains Need Fuel – Eating breakfast boosts math, reading, and standardized test scores, improves attention, and increases problem-solving skills. Find out more.

8. More Students Participate! – Serving breakfast in the classroom eliminates barriers such as bus schedules, limited serving time before school, and parent schedules. As long as a student makes it to class they have an opportunity to eat. Find out more.

7. The School Breakfast Stigma – There is often a stigma associated with eating breakfast in the cafeteria before school. Bringing breakfast to the classroom makes breakfast a community affair. Find out more.

6. It Improves the Learning Environment – Principals report that breakfast in the classroom improved the learning environment of classes and the overall environment of the school. Find out more.

5. Fewer Tardies and Better Behavior – Schools that serve breakfast in the classroom report fewer tardies and absences as well as better behaved students. Find out more.

4. Developing Healthy Habits for Life – Eating breakfast regularly improves nutrient intakes and reduces the risk of being overweight. Find out more.

3. Breakfast and Learning Go Hand in Hand – Breakfast can be an easy part of your daily lesson plans – math, science, reading, writing, nutrition; the learning opportunities are endless and there are plenty of resources to get you started. Find out more.

2. Nominal Effort Yields Big Results – Well-planned programs run smoothly and the schools that have gone before left ample notes. There are many of successful models for you to choose from. Find out more.

1. Your Students Will Thank You! – Food secure children learn better, feel better, and behave better. What could be a better “Thank you” than students with smiling faces who are ready to learn? Find out more.

Working together for a hunger free Oklahoma.

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