An Assessment of Food Insecurity and Resources, Excerpt
Individuals and organizations throughout Oklahoma – in its larger cities and its rural communities – are working to support their neighbors struggling with food insecurity. Despite the tireless work of local and state organizations, food insecurity is still a serious problem in Oklahoma. In order to fully address hunger in the state, a number of challenges must be confronted. Addressing Hunger in Oklahoma identifies these challenges and provides large scale, sustainable solutions to address them. Barriers include:
Awareness. A lack of awareness of the problem of hunger and of the resources available to individuals and families exists in Oklahoma. This lack of knowledge prevents community buy-in and prevents anti-hunger work from having its greatest possible impact.
Oklahoma is Rural. While Oklahoma’s rural communities remain strong and vibrant, rates of hunger are significantly higher than in metro areas. These communities are often distant or isolated from available services and resources. In fact, 32 of Oklahoma’s 77 counties are considered food deserts, meaning that 25% of Oklahomans live 10 miles or farther from a grocery store.
Coordination and Collaboration. As in all states, a disconnection exists between organizations, resources, and anti-hunger efforts in Oklahoma. A comprehensive solution to hunger is more likely if organizations communicate and collaborate to save on costs, improve the quantity and quality of services, identify needs that are not being met, and reduce duplication.
To learn more about the barriers to solving hunger and how we can address them. Read our full report!