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Navigating and Preventing SNAP Fraud

SNAP theft and fraud are on the rise. Learn how to protect your SNAP funds and report theft below.

SNAP funds are being targeted in several ways:

  • Skimming – A device has been placed onto a Point-of-Sale machine and captures the card and PIN information entered.
  • Cloning – A card number and PIN information are duplicated to create a counterfeit card.
  • Phishing – Fraudsters send texts, emails, or call to request a user’s card, PIN, or personal information.


How can I protect my SNAP from fraud or theft?

A replacement EBT card is NOT the most effective means of protection! Every household should change their PIN immediately.

Use a hard-to-guess PIN and/or use the ConnectEBT app which allows for locking and unlocking the card and monitoring card activity.


  • Sequential PINs (1234, 9876)
  • PINs using birth year (1989, 2010)
  • PINs which create simple patterns on the keypad (2580, 1379)

More information: Protect Your SNAP Article and How-To EBT Lock/Unlock Youtube Video


What should I do if my SNAP funds have been stolen?

Oklahoma Human Services has shared that households can submit a claim by December 20, 2024:

  • By phone at (405) 522-5050
  • In-person at a Human Services Center
  • By mail to Oklahoma Human Services, SNAP, PO Box 25352, Oklahoma City, OK 73125

An Oklahoma Human Services employee will complete a Request for Replacement of Stolen Electronic Benefits form for you. A police report is never needed or requested.


How long does it take for SNAP funds to be replaced?

The review of the request by Oklahoma Human Services and replacement, if approved, can take up to 10 days.


What can I do if my replacement has been denied?

Call Oklahoma Human Services at (405) 522-5050 or visit a local Oklahoma Human Services office and request a hearing form be completed.

Working together for a hunger free Oklahoma.

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