SNAP is More Than Food Security: Advocating for Greater Access
There are many misconceptions and stigmas surrounding public assistance and federal nutrition programs, often perpetuated by the media and politicians, as well as by everyday people. My parents, hardworking and staunchly independent, made sacrifices to ensure our family’s basic needs were met, a privilege for which I am grateful.
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Congressional Visits: Making Advocacy Easy and Accessible
On June 5, a team representing Hunger Free Oklahoma (HFO), the Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma, and the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma went to Washington, D.C. where they discussed the upcoming Farm Bill with our Oklahoma delegation. For several, it was their first time to make Congressional visits. Here is a glimpse into some of their experiences, proving that anyone passionate about these issues can engage with their elected officials.
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Summer EBT: Providing a Healthy Summer for Kids
The Muscogee Nation is partnering with the Chickasaw Nation, the Cherokee Nation, Hunger Free Oklahoma, and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to introduce the Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer Program for Children (Summer EBT) to the Muscogee Nation Reservation. Summer EBT provides additional nutritional support to eligible children during the summer months when they do not have access to school meals.
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Making Summer Nutrition a SNAP: A Grocery Assistance Explainer
As summer approaches, households with school-age children can find themselves in a tough position. Without school to supplement some of their kids’ nutrition needs throughout the day, grocery budgets get stretched and what a family can afford may be limited.
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