Hunger Matters
- Hunger costs Oklahoma over $1.4 billion each year through increased illness and decreased academic achievement alone.
- Food insecurity exacerbates chronic illnesses including kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes, and obesity.
- Hunger leads to low birth-weight, delayed development, and decreased language acquisition.
- Food insecure children are more likely to have lower reading and math scores, more significant behavior and social problems, and lower high school graduation rates.
- Food insecurity weakens the labor force, decreases educational attainment, and increases healthcare costs in Oklahoma.
- 32% (over 1.2M) of Oklahomans reside in Low-Income, Low-Access (LILA) communities, indicating a lack of adequate access to nutritious food. Of those living in LILA areas, 84% (over 1M) are in urban locations, while 16% (187K) reside in rural areas.
Oklahoma Food
Oklahoma has some of the worst food insecurity statistics in the nation. Food insecurity, as defined by the USDA, is a household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food.

students out of every 100 that
participate in school lunch
participate in summer meals
More than 1 in 4 (223,890) Oklahoma children don’t get the food they need (source)
Every $1 of SNAP benefits puts $1.50 back into Oklahoma’s economy (source)
We are only 1 of 7 states that has a food insecurity rate of higher than 13.5% (source)
Over 900,000 Oklahomans relied on SNAP at some point during 2023 to meet their basic nutritional needs (source)
Hunger is Solvable
Oklahoma has some of the worst food insecurity statistics in the nationFood insecurity, as defined by the USDA, is a household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food.
Sustainable solutions to hunger exist and require public-private partnerships to increase efficiency and help communities address local issues.
Percentage of students who qualify for free or reduced-price meal SY 2023-2024 (source)

of those eligible for WIC
are not currently being served
Our statewide assessment of hunger identifies three underutilized programs that could help families become food secure. Learn more about these programs and what we are currently leaving on the table by viewing our report here. To learn how Hunger Free Oklahoma is helping Oklahoma address these issues explore the options under the Community Partners menu at the top of this page.
By not fully utilizing these crucial programs, Oklahoma leaves hundreds of millions of dollars on the table to fight hunger every year.
Percent of eligible schools offering all
students no-cost school meals through CEP
We are only 1 of 7 states that has a food insecurity rate of higher than the national average of 13.5%
Statistics and figures are based on best available data and are subject to updates.